Empty Square

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Empty square or E=mt2 as opposed to the famous Einstein's equation E=mc2.
Empty square toys with the idea that speed represented by c in Einstein’s equation should be replaced by t representing time-age, suggesting that the energy of a “system” should be relative to its  age as well as it is to its speed. No scientific proof offered.

We view objects as separate from each other because we are only seeing a portion of their reality.
We are floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.
We treat consciousness as an artifact of the material world ,rather than the opposite, which is that the material world is a creation of our consciousness.

What is consciousness? Where do the images that form our reality come from ? How many of them are real? What makes them real? How do these images mix with each other? Do they have a specific meaning? Do they follow any rules?

This series of paintings by yzagor has been inspired by the theory that the universe and our brains behave as holograms. They might seem unreal or flat, empty or of another world, all they really are is frequencies that have been translated by the human brain with the aid of the eye of the viewer to paintings. 
Paintings that the more you analyse them the closer you will get to an empty square.

The Empty Square virtual exhibition at ‘exhibbit’ is an interactive 3d environment. Before viewing the exhibition you may need to install the UNITY 3D player.

 How to navigate around the gallery.

  1. Click on any artwork and be flown directly to it
  2. Click on the ‘Tour’ icon in the menu on the top left of the gallery screen and take a tour of the exhibition.
  3. Click on the catalogue image at the bottom left of the gallery screen to fly directly to the artwork.
  4. Use the arrow keys to move forward, back and turn.
  5. Use the key “W” to raise eye level, “A” to move left, “S” to move right and “Z” to lower eye level.
  6. Move around with the left mouse button down.
                                  Visit “Empty Square"

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