Human ET

Human ET is a creature creeping over earth, utilising its  resources slowly to start with but increasingly faster since the earliest hominids were identified in Africa and date from the Pliocene epoch, which began about 7 million years ago and ended just less than 2 million years ago. The succeeding period, the Pleistocene epoch, began just under 2 million years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago, at which time it gave way to the Holocene, or Recent, epoch.(more)
She consists at the moment of  7,073,600,890 brains and counting all equipped with two arms and two legs, hands and fingers in place and a full grown body, male or female with the ability to reproduce at a rate that has a net population growth this year increasing by 60M a year (source)

Chart 1. Total World Population by Country Income Group, 1980, 1998, 2015
Between 1980 and 2000 total world population grew from 4.4 billion to 6 billion. Based on population projections, by 2015 at least another billion people will be added for a total of more than 7 billion. Most of this growth will take place in low- and middle-income countries

Human ET has the ability to be in many different places at the same time or at the same place at different times, interacting, communicating, or just observing and recording the environment and the action within through at the moment  7,073,600,890 pairs of eyes and ears, noses, tongues, hearts and more.
Gathering information from wherever each of the 7,073,600,890 happens to be at the time, she can hear every sound on earth, see everything that there is to be seen on earth, smell it, taste it, feel it.
All this input is processed by the 7,073,600,890 brains interpreted accordingly and stored conveniently.
She doesn’t walk or run, she floats like water in and out and back and forth and left and right.
She sees everything but not collectively, she hear it all but can’t respond directly, she knows but its not up to her, she grows and she is not responsible not even of the way she grows, she has no collective saying in anything but she is there and always has and will be as long as all her 7,073,600,890 brains still function.
She lives in two dimensions (2D) and she knows it but she has 7,073,600,890 brains that are under the illusion that they are in a three dimensional world.
Human ET is a 2D bitch observing in to herself while creating the illusion of a 3D world full of goodies for her brains to keep them stimulated for more action.
She is capable of the best and the worst at the same time at any time and her greatest strength is her greatest weakness.
She can grow faster and faster or not, she is persistent and able to endure a huge range ,which is continuously growing, of different possibilities and undergo through great hardship and pain and loss and still survive strong enough to keep growing.
She has no limits or does she? she can do everything each one of us does but 7,073,600,890 times better and faster and stronger.
She thinks she has the strength to change the planet or affect it in some way for better or for worse, she wants to go to space, to different planets she is curious and wants to  explore and conquer, she can be hungry and ruthless or divine and just, sometimes she is arrogant.

She has been developing the technology to improve herself organically by creating larger brains with stronger and multiple connections carrying new improved bodies that are getting better with every generation with new gadgets to communicate more and faster with each other, she is creating increasingly more sophisticated equipment to aid her take a peek at her environment and try to understand how it all works and how did it get here, she is assessing the situation before her next step.

The drawback of human ET could be that she depends on her 7,073,600,890 to decide how she will grow, and what could and has been her greatest strength can also be her greatest weakness.
The illusory 3D world she has created to keep her brains as happy and content as possible in order to keep growing is full of all sorts of glowing temptations for each one of those brains who are under the illusion that they are separate from each other and that they individually get to decide.
Inevitably there is conflict of interest for all kinds of issues which naturally arises due to the illusion of the 3D materialistic world that we have being accustomed to believe in.
Humanity exists in a  2D world under the illusion of time and space.
Each of her brains exist in a 3D world under the illusion of time, space and mass.
Each of the cells making up the brains and the bodies exist in a 4D world under the illusion of space,time,mass and karma.
That would make the universe to exist in a 1D world under the illusion of space.
    For humanity to move forward she must realise that time and space are an illusion and there is no use to be endlessly wanting more and that she is capable of great improvements only if she finds a way to make her brains understand that they do not exist alone separate from each other but they are part of a whole with no need to compete against each other.
The individual brains, for humanity to grow in a meaningful way, have to realise the illusion of mass,space and time then they will find it much easier to work for each other and create instead of accumulate, offer instead of demand, and choose compassion to power and sensitivity to aggression, unite instead of divide.
The instant those brains realise that they are a part of a whole they will alter their behaviour  and change the way she grows.
Their power is great but they have to be united and act synchronised, difficult but possible.
Possible because there is no need to change each individual brain but enough of them to inspire or force in some cases the rest to follow. How many are needed depends on various parameters but is dueable and surprisingly small when compared to 7,073,600,890
In fact it is so small that with the aid of technology and the established system, a reasonably small group, are those who rule the planet including humanity today. At the moment she suddenly seems to have been taken over by a bunch of brains with their own individual and convenient agenda
with a very simple plan that has been extremely difficult to materialise and has been planned out and carried out for years now.
The plan is this
            As few as possible to the top with all the wealth and the power and the masses underneath struggling to hold on to the false desires imposed on them by the few in order to be accepted at the top.
Both groups under the illusion that their problems are real failing to notice that they were created by the few and forced to the many by the means of money, money, money.
If humanity was a shape she started of as a dot and went to a single line and went on to multiple lines, to triangles, to squares, to pyramides,to stars and spheres to elliptical discs or spirals (fibonacci)
The shape that describes humanity at present could be the pyramid shape, it has been around for many years. She could be changing to a to a cube or a star shape and become a sphere and keep growing until she has no choice and turn into a very thin elliptical disc like some say the universe is???. For  humanity to have this shape it would mean that the whole way she is organised would have to change towards having more people responsible to choose instead of a few.

Fibonacci series and conscience
Humanity must take leaps at fibonacci numbers

An end to the once seemingly unstoppable growth in world population is in sight, say scientists who have laid odds on when the number of humans will peak.

The Fibonacci series was discovered by studying population growth

Population growth is also related to the Fibonacci series.  It was the question of how fast rabbits could breed under ideal circumstances that Leonardo Fibonacci originally investigated in the year 1202.  Here was the question he posed:
Suppose a newborn pair of rabbits, one male and one female, is put in the wild. The rabbits mate at the age of one month and at the end of its second month a female can produce another pair of rabbits. Suppose that the rabbits never die and that each female always produces one new pair, with one male and one female, every month from the second month on.  How many pairs will there be in one year?
The answer is found in series of numbers now known as the Fibonacci series.  Picture that pair A of rabbits gives birth to pairs B, C, D and E.  Each of these in turn begins to give birth to other pairs B1, B2, B3, C1, and C2, who in turn give birth to B11, etc.  At the end of each month, the total population of rabbits will be a number in the Fibonacci series:

The Fibonacci series can be used to predict urban populations

It appears that the Fibonacci series can even be used to predict populations of major cities, as shown by the relationships of various U.S. urban areas in 1970:
Method 1 takes the population of the largest city and divides it again and again by phi.  Method 2 takes the population of each successive city and divides it by phi.

Multicellular organisms

In biology, once an egg is fertilized, it divides and multiplies in count until it reaches a point at which the ratio of the succeeding number of cells to the previous number of cells is phi (1.618 …).
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The population growth of male honeybees is an example of a growth rate that follows the Fibonacci sequence.

Read more: Growth and Decay - Geometric Growth And Decay - Sequence, Rate, Population, and Time - JRank Articles

World population forecast to peak before 2100

The study of human numbers, in the journal Nature today, foresees the end of an era of unrelenting population growth during which the billion mark was passed in 1804. It took just 123 years more to double to two billion and less than half that time to reach five billion, in 1987. Giving odds on the accuracy of population growth predictions will enable policy makers to make better informed judgements about future needs, the scientists say.

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