Thursday, June 28, 2012

Islam on the holographic theory

SCIENCE|RELIGION: The Holographic Principle and Loh-e-Mehfooz

In Islam, Quran, universe on April 12, 2009 at 8:41 am Scientists are wondering if our world is a three-dimensional projection from a two-dimensional source of information. The basic assertion in what is called the holographic principle was put forth first by Gerard t’ Hooft: All the information contained in some region of space is encoded on the boundary of that region.
the-life-magazine-hologram-MIT-museumThe name of the principle derives from holography. Holography is a technique which records light rays reflected in all directions from an object. When the image is projected from a holographic film in space, the image appears three-dimensional just as the object looked originally – a 3D figure from a 2D source.
This principle had its first known application to black holes. However, applied to the universe at large, the principle asserts that “the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure “painted” on the cosmological horizon.”
To those interested in physics….
A paradox about black holes was puzzling scientists back in the 1970s. If any object entered a black hole, all information in the object was lost. This included information about entropy (in other words, ‘information describing its microscopic parts). This, however, violated the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated system will increase over time if the system is not in equilibrium.
black hole
At the same time, there was another fact known about the black holes: that the surface area of a black hole’s boundary always grew when objects fell into it. t’ Hooft showed that the information ‘lost’ by an object falling into the black hole was actually stored by a corresponding alteration on the boundary of the black hole.
During the 1990s, scientists finally applied the same principle to the whole universe. The idea gained credibility among the scientific community because it was in line with the string theory, the wacky explains-all theory which integrates all known ideas about particles, energy and gravity.
To those interested in religion….
In Qur’an there is repeated mention of a kitaab – a book – that has everything recorded in it. The literal meaning of the word kitaab in Arabic is ‘anything that is written’. Everything that’s in the universe and everything that has happened or will happen is recorded in this book. This includes Qur’an, with respect to which, this master register of everything has been called as Loh-e-Mehfooz, where loh means a page or a paper and mehfooz means safe. The strict conceptual meaning of loh-e-mehfooz would be ‘a two-dimensional, permanent and secure record of information’.
Do you not know that Allah knows all that occurs in heaven as well as on earth? All this, behold, is in a record: verily, this is easy for Allah. [Sura Al-Haj, ayah 70]
He has the keys to the things that are beyond the reach of a created being’s perception: none knows them but He. And He knows all that is on land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls but He knows it; and neither is there a grain in the earth’s deep darkness, nor anything living or dead, but is recorded in [His] clear decree. [Sura Al-An'am, ayah 59]
Nay, but this [divine writ they reject] is a discourse sublime (ayah 21), Upon an imperishable tablet [inscribed] (ayah 22). [Sura Al-Buruj]
A few pinches of salt
1. Discussions on some of the websites  examples  sound as if the ‘hologram’ analogy is being applied to literally by the readers. But such thinking is incorrect. The holographic principle does not actually imply that the three dimensional observable world is an illusion, just as a holographic image literally is. Raphael Bousso helps clarify: The world doesn’t appear to us like a hologram, but in terms of the information needed to describe it, it is one.
holographic-principleThe holographic principle, hence, really asserts that information describing everything that is in the world is recorded on it’s 2D boundary. It may be of interest here that Allah has actually described the world as la’ib and lahw:
And nothing is the life of this world but a play and a passing delight; [in Sura Al-An'am, ayah 32]
However, it doesn’t necessarily follow from this interpretation of ‘life in this world’ that everything we see is literally an illusion.
2. The scientific status of the holographic principle, and the larger string theory in which it is grounded, is THEORY. Theoretical physics is (and has always been) way ahead of experimental physics (the one which provides evidence for the theories). Theoretical physics relies on mathematics and the holographic principle is the outcome of a series of elaborate math equations which help explain the known oddities about black holes and fit in with string theory – another (rather a set of  several) series of equations… There’s simply not enough technology available to test any of this. For a long time to come, any ‘evidence’ that supports the principle is likely to be circumstantial. That is, it will be a piece of observation that could be related to the theory – it will still be far from a conclusive piece of evidence.
3. Even if the holographic principle was true, it does not necessarily mean that this is REALLY WHAT Allah means by umm-ul-kitaab.  Only Allah has the full knowledge and only He possesses the true knowledge of such concepts which can never by ascertained to a 100% gaurantuee by the most advanced of sciences.


Oh Mankind! We created you from a Single Soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one and another. Truly, the most honored in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is all knowing All Aware.” (Quran 49:13 ). This statement implies that the entire mankind created from a Single Soul and surely as discussed above indicates that it must be holographic in nature. Each soul being a "whole within a whole" and thus being connected to every soul that has ever existed or exists. Further more we are informed about the meaning of paradise as follows: "The paradise is as wide as the heavens and the earth" 3 (133), 57 (21)
If Soul is actually a part of continuum and is connected to every soul that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, in the region of the vastness of space and time itself. Indeed the next stage of "reality" is like a live internet connected to the every atom on the earth to that of every atom to the edges of this universe. This could only be the case if this universe is constructed on holographic principles. Now considering that this message was first given to sixth century Arabs and without confusing them with concepts like "hologram" this is as best as it could have been described. In a universe where every thing is interconnected "time" has no meaning and has stated at various places in Quran as follows: "in thy Sustainer's sight a day is like a thousand years of your reckoning” 22:47 "in a day the length whereof is {like} fifty thousand years" 70:4. The very concept of "time" is meaningless in relation to God, who is timeless and infinite, and in the hereafter time will cease to have a meaning for man as well as the above verses clearly indicate.
Our physical or material existence is an illusion in spite of our solidity and the fact that we can see, feel and touch. We see the way we do as to what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected. Furthermore our mind converts from the blur of frequencies into our world of perception and gives these a coherent image when lit up in the light (Nur) of Creator. However this veil of physical or material illusion will be removed from our eyes at the next stage when we discover our true form of existence. "thou wast indeed heedless of this, but now We have removed from thee thy (material) veil, and so thy sight is sharp this day" 50:22. Sharp vision implies that one discovers one’s life preserved within it to its minutest detail.
Since it is the human physical organism, which is bestowed with Self or Soul, it implies that the human organism was the only species, which first of all accomplished universality of the perceptions. Accordingly the next higher creative stage took its start in the Self or Soul of Man (a non-material entity) simultaneously on completion of sense organs during the development of human foetus. The creation of the new stage of life simultaneously the sense organs of the human foetus are fashioned is thus revealed in the Holy Quran: "Verily We created man from a product of wet earth. Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging. Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then clothed the bones with flesh and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of the Creators." 23 (12-14).
The revelation that after a drop is safely lodged in the womb and then after going through the creative process of lump and bones, the bones are clothed with flesh establishes that at this phase of development, the foetus is almost complete, that is, its sense organs are fully fashioned. It is only on completion of sense organs that the Creator bestows on it His Soul and thus a new Creative Order emerges. It also reveals that Souls are distinct from human body. In other words, death comes to the physical body which is raised under physical laws and not to the Soul which lives in its mental state - the state of an illumination - and already exists as a non-material entity or personality outside the physical body. Soul is thus an illumination - the highest form of life - which appears as a distinct entity apart from all the rest of the universe. By virtue of its enlightenment as being, every Soul comes with intellectual enlightenment and moral exaltation and hence consciousness is not a product of our physical brain but of Soul.
If our physical existence is but an illusion and consciousness creates an appearance of physical body and every thing around us that we interpret as physical and we are merely "receivers" passing through a "sea of frequency" - than this blur of frequency when lit up in the Light (Nur) of the Creator gives its a physical shape as we know it. "Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp - the lamp is in a glass. the glass is as it were a brightly shining star - lit from blessed olive tree, neither eastern or western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not - light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things.” (The Quran 24: 35). Nur is the Arabic word for light but it also means conscious light or spiritual light or guiding light. And so Allah is the Nur (light) of the heavens and the earth because of HIS light all comes into existence.
Human Self has the capability for true mental representation of images of objects and their properties without sense stimulus establishes memory, thoughts, reason and concepts which are non-material stand outside the domain of perceptual brain which simply serves the Analytic Faculty (Conscious mind or what Freud called it is Ego) of the Human Self as an instrument or yardstick for analysing the values and properties of the material universe as well as the physical body under its higher conscious enlightenment. It shows that the physical body and its sense perceptions are duly represented in the Self, as the Human Self is capable of keeping in it a sense of objects and their properties even if they do not provide a sensory stimulus. If a germ cell when delivered out of the physical body and planted in the womb could act in the form of a "physical brain" to construct it to the system of DNA chemicals, we can be sure that the Human Self which remains attached through its mental processes (Conscious mind) with the physical body and its perceptual brain would also construct its whole physical life which already lives fully preserved in it.
Memory is not a physical phenomenon; it is directly related with the understanding. It can operate only if it exists out of the spatial time-matter and motion. As against it, the perceptual mind being material in nature cannot hold nonmaterial characters in it. Hence it can neither retrace the events nor can it jump into the future. Even DNA system - a sort of "physical memory" laid in chemicals strictly follows the process through physical motion in spatial time. These scientific facts establish that it is not the perceptual mind which perceives psychic life lived by the Human Self as an independent entity outside it; these are the mental processes of the Self or Soul which keep in it the whole psychic life and are capable of reproducing the same sense without stimulus of the physical body or brain. "Allah takes (mans) souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. Than He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death, and sends the other back till an appointed term. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect." (The Quran 39:42). If our Soul joins the "Super-Hologram" during our sleep and is able to construct "reality" in our dreams and we experience all the sensations - be they be fear or joy or pain or whatever and yet we have not physically experienced them. It’s a reminder that our Soul is capable of reproducing all our emotions without the physical body or brain.
Human Souls live out of the spatial times of the material universe as non -material entities in the state of Self-enlightenment. The great gulf exists between the material universe and the universe laid on the mental states of the Human Souls is bridged by the analytic faculty of the Human Soul, we call it the faculty of Reason or simply "Ego" as named by Freud. On death of the physical body, the link bridged by the "Ego" between the material universe and the Human Self is cut off. Since Human Soul as a non material entity living in its mental states cannot live or revert to the spatial times and physical forms wrought by the material universe, it is apt to remain suspended until the whole present Self-conscious Stage is wound up. As to the time gap between the suspension of the Souls and their Resurrection, the following verse of the Holy Quran sheds light on it: "And they say: When we are bones and fragments, shall we, forsooth, be raised up as a new creation? Say: Be ye stones or Iron or some created thing that is yet greater in your thought! Then they will say: Who shall bring us back (to life)? Say: He Who created you at first. Then will they shake their heads at thee, and say; When will it be. Say: it will be perhaps be soon." 17 (49-51). The words "it will perhaps be soon" reveal that the time interval between the departure of the Souls on death of the bodies and their resurrection has no significance for the souls held in suspension as they already live beyond the material times. The revelation also establishes that Souls live as independent entities and do not die with the death of the physical bodies. What is really significant and differentiates the individual Souls is the level and the grade of psychic development attained by them while living attached with the material universe through the perceptual system of their physical bodies.
There is a significant difference between the way the physical body develops and the manner the Human Self develops. The body grows by receiving substances from outside and incorporating them, that is, by taking in. The Self grows stronger by sharing its knowledge, wisdom and possessions with others. Its happiness lies in helping others. It is cramped when it keeps its riches to itself. Generosity of any kind enriches it and niggardliness impoverishes it. Therefore, if we want real happiness and spiritual bliss in this world and get out of all kinds of depression, we must give out and refrain from taking in. "And the soul and its perfection! - So He reveals to its way of evil and its way of good; He is indeed successful who causes it to grow, And he indeed fails who buries it." (The Noble Quran 91:7-10)
Within Islam Halal and Haram (lawful and unlawful) play a great part in making man conscious of his physical life on this earth, for these two have some connection with his every action and thought, and it is for man to decide which of them to choose in his everyday activities. Even though we may think that at times of doing wrong, no-one is any wiser or hurt by our actions, misdeeds, or even bad thoughts - however in an holographic universe even thoughts have a meaning and a significance and are as real as an action.
Oh Mankind! We created you from a Single Soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one and another. Truly, the most honored in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is all knowing All Aware.” (Quran 49:13 ). This statement implies that the entire mankind created from a Single Soul and surely as discussed above indicates that it must be holographic in nature. Each soul being a "whole within a whole" and thus being connected to every soul that has ever existed or exists. Further more we are informed about the meaning of paradise as follows: "The paradise is as wide as the heavens and the earth" 3 (133), 57 (21)
If Soul is actually a part of continuum and is connected to every soul that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, in the region of the vastness of space and time itself. Indeed the next stage of "reality" is like a live internet connected to the every atom on the earth to that of every atom to the edges of this universe. This could only be the case if this universe is constructed on holographic principles. Now considering that this message was first given to sixth century Arabs and without confusing them with concepts like "hologram" this is as best as it could have been described. In a universe where every thing is interconnected "time" has no meaning and has stated at various places in Quran as follows: "in thy Sustainer's sight a day is like a thousand years of your reckoning” 22:47 "in a day the length whereof is {like} fifty thousand years" 70:4. The very concept of "time" is meaningless in relation to God, who is timeless and infinite, and in the hereafter time will cease to have a meaning for man as well as the above verses clearly indicate.
Our physical or material existence is an illusion in spite of our solidity and the fact that we can see, feel and touch. We see the way we do as to what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected. Furthermore our mind converts from the blur of frequencies into our world of perception and gives these a coherent image when lit up in the light (Nur) of Creator. However this veil of physical or material illusion will be removed from our eyes at the next stage when we discover our true form of existence. "thou wast indeed heedless of this, but now We have removed from thee thy (material) veil, and so thy sight is sharp this day" 50:22. Sharp vision implies that one discovers one’s life preserved within it to its minutest detail.
Since it is the human physical organism, which is bestowed with Self or Soul, it implies that the human organism was the only species, which first of all accomplished universality of the perceptions. Accordingly the next higher creative stage took its start in the Self or Soul of Man (a non-material entity) simultaneously on completion of sense organs during the development of human foetus. The creation of the new stage of life simultaneously the sense organs of the human foetus are fashioned is thus revealed in the Holy Quran: "Verily We created man from a product of wet earth. Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging. Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then clothed the bones with flesh and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of the Creators." 23 (12-14).
The revelation that after a drop is safely lodged in the womb and then after going through the creative process of lump and bones, the bones are clothed with flesh establishes that at this phase of development, the foetus is almost complete, that is, its sense organs are fully fashioned. It is only on completion of sense organs that the Creator bestows on it His Soul and thus a new Creative Order emerges. It also reveals that Souls are distinct from human body. In other words, death comes to the physical body which is raised under physical laws and not to the Soul which lives in its mental state - the state of an illumination - and already exists as a non-material entity or personality outside the physical body. Soul is thus an illumination - the highest form of life - which appears as a distinct entity apart from all the rest of the universe. By virtue of its enlightenment as being, every Soul comes with intellectual enlightenment and moral exaltation and hence consciousness is not a product of our physical brain but of Soul.
If our physical existence is but an illusion and consciousness creates an appearance of physical body and every thing around us that we interpret as physical and we are merely "receivers" passing through a "sea of frequency" - than this blur of frequency when lit up in the Light (Nur) of the Creator gives its a physical shape as we know it. "Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp - the lamp is in a glass. the glass is as it were a brightly shining star - lit from blessed olive tree, neither eastern or western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not - light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things.” (The Quran 24: 35). Nur is the Arabic word for light but it also means conscious light or spiritual light or guiding light. And so Allah is the Nur (light) of the heavens and the earth because of HIS light all comes into existence.
Human Self has the capability for true mental representation of images of objects and their properties without sense stimulus establishes memory, thoughts, reason and concepts which are non-material stand outside the domain of perceptual brain which simply serves the Analytic Faculty (Conscious mind or what Freud called it is Ego) of the Human Self as an instrument or yardstick for analysing the values and properties of the material universe as well as the physical body under its higher conscious enlightenment. It shows that the physical body and its sense perceptions are duly represented in the Self, as the Human Self is capable of keeping in it a sense of objects and their properties even if they do not provide a sensory stimulus. If a germ cell when delivered out of the physical body and planted in the womb could act in the form of a "physical brain" to construct it to the system of DNA chemicals, we can be sure that the Human Self which remains attached through its mental processes (Conscious mind) with the physical body and its perceptual brain would also construct its whole physical life which already lives fully preserved in it.
Memory is not a physical phenomenon; it is directly related with the understanding. It can operate only if it exists out of the spatial time-matter and motion. As against it, the perceptual mind being material in nature cannot hold nonmaterial characters in it. Hence it can neither retrace the events nor can it jump into the future. Even DNA system - a sort of "physical memory" laid in chemicals strictly follows the process through physical motion in spatial time. These scientific facts establish that it is not the perceptual mind which perceives psychic life lived by the Human Self as an independent entity outside it; these are the mental processes of the Self or Soul which keep in it the whole psychic life and are capable of reproducing the same sense without stimulus of the physical body or brain. "Allah takes (mans) souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. Than He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death, and sends the other back till an appointed term. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect." (The Quran 39:42). If our Soul joins the "Super-Hologram" during our sleep and is able to construct "reality" in our dreams and we experience all the sensations - be they be fear or joy or pain or whatever and yet we have not physically experienced them. It’s a reminder that our Soul is capable of reproducing all our emotions without the physical body or brain.
Human Souls live out of the spatial times of the material universe as non -material entities in the state of Self-enlightenment. The great gulf exists between the material universe and the universe laid on the mental states of the Human Souls is bridged by the analytic faculty of the Human Soul, we call it the faculty of Reason or simply "Ego" as named by Freud. On death of the physical body, the link bridged by the "Ego" between the material universe and the Human Self is cut off. Since Human Soul as a non material entity living in its mental states cannot live or revert to the spatial times and physical forms wrought by the material universe, it is apt to remain suspended until the whole present Self-conscious Stage is wound up. As to the time gap between the suspension of the Souls and their Resurrection, the following verse of the Holy Quran sheds light on it: "And they say: When we are bones and fragments, shall we, forsooth, be raised up as a new creation? Say: Be ye stones or Iron or some created thing that is yet greater in your thought! Then they will say: Who shall bring us back (to life)? Say: He Who created you at first. Then will they shake their heads at thee, and say; When will it be. Say: it will be perhaps be soon." 17 (49-51). The words "it will perhaps be soon" reveal that the time interval between the departure of the Souls on death of the bodies and their resurrection has no significance for the souls held in suspension as they already live beyond the material times. The revelation also establishes that Souls live as independent entities and do not die with the death of the physical bodies. What is really significant and differentiates the individual Souls is the level and the grade of psychic development attained by them while living attached with the material universe through the perceptual system of their physical bodies.
There is a significant difference between the way the physical body develops and the manner the Human Self develops. The body grows by receiving substances from outside and incorporating them, that is, by taking in. The Self grows stronger by sharing its knowledge, wisdom and possessions with others. Its happiness lies in helping others. It is cramped when it keeps its riches to itself. Generosity of any kind enriches it and niggardliness impoverishes it. Therefore, if we want real happiness and spiritual bliss in this world and get out of all kinds of depression, we must give out and refrain from taking in. "And the soul and its perfection! - So He reveals to its way of evil and its way of good; He is indeed successful who causes it to grow, And he indeed fails who buries it." (The Noble Quran 91:7-10)
Within Islam Halal and Haram (lawful and unlawful) play a great part in making man conscious of his physical life on this earth, for these two have some connection with his every action and thought, and it is for man to decide which of them to choose in his everyday activities. Even though we may think that at times of doing wrong, no-one is any wiser or hurt by our actions, misdeeds, or even bad thoughts - however in an holographic universe even thoughts have a meaning and a significance and are as real as an action.

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