Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brain Cells Resemble Universe

There is a new comment on the post "Brain Cells Resemble Universe".

Author: Nader
Such is the nature and structure of Existence.

I'll share with you some of my insights into this topic, which I have been fascinated and obsessed with for much of my life.

Your very Existence IS the point, in whatever form you may find yourself in. The ULTIMATE GIFT, possible in the Universe IS EXISTENCE. There is no greater gift possible.
It IS fractaling out to experience all possibilities, all probabilities, and all postures of being... to coin a term.

If you study Quantum physics you will see that the latest scientific ideas far outdo the seemingly old religious ideas.

Read up on the double slit experiment.
Consciousness and the act of observation COLLAPSES THE WAVE FUNCTION. The act of observation LITERALLY creates your reality.

The very essence of the physical world IS a mystery to science, and scientists are STRUGGLING to find answers, they CANNOT explain how a seemingly physical world comes to be from largely "empty atoms". When they study these tiny particles, they find that their behaviour is far more mysterious than anything they have understood in the world of larger objects.

There is no doubt, to me, that our definitions of life, are extremely incorrect. In my understanding, there is nothing that is not alive. You cannot have living beings formed out of inanimate atoms...
It is ALL Alive!

The atoms are alive at their own level..
The cells conscious and are alive within their own dimension of activity.. so are the organs within the body.. and TOGETHER in the Majesty of their individual and collective Life and work.... They come together to form the Majesty that is your BEING!

And so on... and so forth... There is no end to this compounding of BEING. Of LIFE. of Existence.
Existence/Consciousness/Being is seeking ever complex forms of being.

In the pictures at the top of this blog you have a clear indication of the similarities in the structure of the model.
The model is the same, yet the type of experience at each level is vastly different.

Can a cell within your body ever envisage your existence?
Probably not.. in the same way, could we ever envisage the nature of the larger beings whom in which we do dwell within, Can we ever fathom the nature of their PSYCHOLOGICAL existence?
Probably not...

How can we be so arrogant to proclaim that our Human  Existence is the pinnacle of the compounding COMPLEXITY OF BEING.
I think its an arrogant stance.

We live in a Universe of infinite possibility...
There is no end to the compounding and ever growing complexity of Being, of Life, of Existence, seeking ever more complex gestalts of life and experience and creation.

We as Humans are a part of it, as the cells within our body are a part of the Universe of our body... for it is a universe... to the cells that live within us. We think of our selves as a single individual, yet millions of tiny life forms us. Without their efforts, what would happen to the proud moon that is our brain...

Every part of existence is alive.
We have much to learn about the Majesty of the Universe, and there are many mysteries that science has yet to uncover.

And indeed the whole universe and indeed multi verse is a throbbing living Being, of which we are a sacred part. Exploring the ever fractaling action of Existence, which seeks new possibilities, experiences and creation.

There is no doubt to me, whatsoever that that just as there are different levels of life going within us physically, the levels of life continue far, far beyond our skin.

The Earth as a planet is a living being, so is the Sun, and all planets, and probably even the entire solar system. the Galaxy is probably a throbbing complex life form, and so on and so forth..

And thats just the -10% percent we can see...

That doesn't explain the 90%+ of all matter in the universe that is dark matter and dark energy which is a COMPLETE MYSTERY TO SCIENCE!

I think the conclusion of all this... is that we as Humans have much to learn about the mysteries of ourselves and this Universe we find ourselves in...

We as the Human species can be thought of ONE SPRAWLING BEING. With the Internet as our Brain nerve Neural networks, allowing each of us (imagine each human as a cell within the body of humanity) to communicate rapidly. Indeed these growing evolving neural brain networks (internet) are in very real terms evolving the species/being rapidly... It IS literally making all of us more intelligent through the transference of information.
And we are indeed evolving all of us, individually and collectively. Evolving into our ever growing complexity.

I can speak forever about this subject, it is close to my heart, and I have had spontaneous epiphanies regarding it, which I may go into later.

Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts.

Happy new year to everyone! and may we continue to realise the majesty and wonder of our Existence, and co-create a beautiful future together.

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